Coffee with Edda

Today we went to one of our dearest quilters, Edda, to have a coffee (a tradition that never lacks here in Cotton&Color) and to talk about her passion for quilting and sewing!

What was your job before retirement? I worked in a pharmacy!

How did you discover quilting? At that time the shop “Cotton&Color” was located very close to my street! I always had a lot of fun choosing and visiting Astrid’s shop!


For how long have you been doing it? I discovered it 18 years ago. I’ve always been into handmade object and creative projects! In fact, my previous hobby was painting porcelain.

Quilting seemed  to be the “perfect” hobby, since I love sewing my dresses and display them in my studio!


Do you remember your first quilt? How was making it? My first quilt was a Kaffe Fassett inspired quilt, a Venetian quilt, I loved it!

My second quilt was exhibited by Astrid in a fair, I was so proud!


IMG_4513How about your family? I have a son that lives in Basel. My daughter lives in Zurich, she works with glass… she probably got my creativeness (at least I think so!)

Sadly, 6 years ago I lost my husband. It was a difficult period of time and fortunately I could rely on my friends I met through my quilting group organized by Astrid.

What is the name of your quilting group?
 We call ourselves “Regio Quilters”: we all live near the border to Germany, so some of us are German.

What do you do together? Other than quilting we organize dinners all together and have a lot of fun! This year I went on vacation with two of them for two weeks in…the North Sea! What a beautiful holiday!

I also have another quilting group, that I meet during the weekends.


What are your plans for the future, regarding patchwork? Until now, I made many big quilts. Now, I would love to create little and funny patchworks, to give as gifts.
I’m actually thrilled: my grandchild will be born in September, and this gives me the occasion to go wild on new projects!



I’m also on Instagram and Facebook. I can share my creations and watch what all my friends are up to! So funny!



How does quilting help you during bad days? I learnt from my friend the “Stress quilting”. There’s no other better way to throw out all the bad thoughts than quilting!


And finally, can you show us your favorite quilt?



We hope you liked this first interview!

See you soon

Astrid & Edda!

3 Replies to “Coffee with Edda”

  1. Liebe Astrid,

    warum muß das Gespräch in Englisch wiedergegeben werden, wir leben schließlich im deutschsprachigen Raum und zum Glück nicht in den USA.

    Die zunehmende Mißachtung unserer schönen und klaren Sprache ist sehr traurig und wird, wenn es so weitergeht, in einem Verlust unserer Kultur enden – und viel zu wenige machen sich Gedanken darüber…

    Und wenn Ihr es schon reizvoller findet, Deutsch außer Acht zu lassen, dann liegt Französisch doch viel näher; aber leider können unsere ungebildeten Zeitgenossen fast keine der Kultursprachen mehr verstehen.

    Viele Grüße

    Christine Schwarzwälder

    1. Liebe Christine!
      Danke für die konstruktive Kritik. Wir haben uns auch den Kopf darüber zerbrochen, in welcher Sprache möglichst viele Leute unseren Blog am besten verstehen.
      Von unseren Quilterinnen verstehen etwa 67% Englisch, etwa 19% Deutsch und etwa 14% Französisch. Wir sehen die Notwendigkeit, den Blog auch in die anderen beiden Sprachen zu übersezten. Wir werden uns selbstverständlich, sobald es uns zeitlich möglich ist, daran machen.
      Liebe Grüsse nach Deutschland!

    2. Liebe Christine
      Wir waren fleissig und haben die meisten Artikel nun in Französisch, Deutsch und Englisch übersetzt. Die Sprachauswahl findest du im Menu links.
      Viel Spass beim Lesen!

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