Ep. 16: ‘The 9 Cats’ by Nadine

What kind of quilt would you like to share with us?
The appliqué  ‘The 9 Cats’ (Les 9 Minouchats)

Why and for whom did you make it?
I made it for myself, because I adore cats and find their small faces very cute.

When did you start working on it and how long did it take to finish?
I started 2015 and it took me about 2-3 moths to finish.

Which detail do you like most about it?
All the different expressions in the faces of the cats (smiling, pouting…)

Which fabrics did you use for it?
Many different ones. I always tried to get the tone of the furs right.

How long have you been making patchwork?
about 7 years

Which experience during that time moved you the most?
My participation in “Vancouver Celebrates Pi Day 2015”

Any advice for beginners?
Do not hesitate to join a patchwork club. Patchwork veterans are ready to share their knowledge and experience.

Zu den Katzen-Stoffen auf unserem Online-Shop

Ep. 15: Margaret’s African Quilt

For whom and why did you make this beautiful quilt?
For the children at Isaac’s House in Uganda (www.isaacshouse.org). I support a young girl in this small orphanage, which was founded by a friend of mine. I wanted the children to have something special made just for them. Something nice and colorful and which they could relate to.

When did you start and how long did it take for you to finish it?
I started “collecting” fabric and ideas in 2013 and it was delivered to the orphanage in November, 2015.

What do you like best about this quilt?
I liked that I could capture the African spirit with the carefully chosen bold colors and appropriate themes. It was something completely different for me but I enjoyed the challenge of designing and creating this quilt!

Which fabrics did you use?
Only cottons.

Since when are you into Patchwork and Quilting and what got you into it?
I was inspired while visiting a patchwork fair in Virginia, USA.

Which experience during your time as a quilter moved you the most?
Designing and creating a quilt to welcome my first grandchild

Any tips you want to give to beginners?
Be proud of your work and try not to worry about little mistakes…

Find similar fabrics and ideas in our online shop!

Ep. 14: Karin’s Mystery Quilt

Shortly before the new year, Karin came by our store to show us her blue version of the Mystery Quilt, which she made from our ‘Block of the Month 2015’ and the Double Wedding Ring Technique. This quilt turned out so beautiful that we didn’t want to let her leave the store with it!


What do you love to do most at the moment?
Pretty much everything! Above all the appliqué, which was still quite new to me.

And otherwise?
I really love to visit patchwork shops, especially Cotton & Color!
(Note: this was just before our remodeling)

What do you not like to do at all?
Cleaning ?

What are you working?
I am the grandmother of two wondrous grandchildren, and that with body and soul.

Do you have a funny story for us?
Haha, when I was working on the laundry room block in 2016, one of my grandchildren came to me and said, “Oh, these are Papa’s stinking socks!”

Discover the Project of the Month 2017