Ep. 24: Heidi’s Monk Quilt

Which kind of quilt would you like to share with us?
A quilt with appliqué. The motif is a monk which I have photographed at an exhibition. I made it for myself.

When did you start and how long did it take to complete?
September to December 2017 – 3 months.

What were the challenges and what do you like best about it?
I really like the face and the wall. The quilt was a real challenge, especially the face. The forest was too dark at first, so I had to start it all over again. Finding the right proportions was difficult. The whole project was a lot of fun!

How long have you been making patchwork got you into it?
I’ve been sewing my own clothes for 40 years and started making patchwork for 5 years. Key moment was the visit of an exhibition in the textile museum St. Gallen.

What experience in your time as a quilter has touched you the most?
You can achieve anything with patience and perseverance.

Do you have any good advice for beginners?
Rigour and patience are the most important things when quilting.

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