Where and why did you make this quilt?
Freya (bottom) I did in Isabel’s course Finding the Perfect Form at C & C. Ebba and Ebbelina (top) for me because it’s fun!
When did you start sewing and how long did it take to finish?
There are a total of about three full days working time behind it – that’s about 2-3 months per quilt, with interruptions .
What do you like most about it?
The work has been a lot of fun and it has become pretty and cheerful quilts
What kind of materials did you use?
Flower fabrics in many variations, a lot by Kaffe Fassett, which I had wished for in my birthday group.
How long have you been a quilter and what has motivated you to start?
Since the mid-90s. My mother has infected me with the “virus”.
What experience in your time as a quilter has touched you the most?
The joy of giving quilts, especially the quilts I make for various children’s homes.
Do you have a good advice for beginners?
Quilting is a craft. Not everything has to be perfect as long as it’s fun!