Coffee with ‘Atelier de Patchwork’ in Ferrette, France


Bonjour! Come inside, please! This is the studio of our group. I am Agnès, and this is Michèle. Here in this room we are working together!


Good evening! What a nice group! We started this group exactly 20 years ago. Today, we are a group of about 60 to 65 women. We do every stitch by hand. This gives us the opportunity to talk and laugh a lot. Many problems have been solved here too…

Are that many women gathering at the same time? You know, Ferrette is a small town of about 800 inhabitants. Half of the women are staying at home and the other half is working outside the house. We had to divide the group into 4 smaller groups to give all of them the opportunity to find the right time. There are beginners and experts working at the same table.

We share these rooms with other groups. Some days per week, children from fugitives are learning the French language in the same rooms. Their names are displayed on one wall.

We have to clean up and make space for them after our sewing time, but we don’t mind. We welcome fugitives in our community and we are proud, that we are doing so well in Ferrette.


I see, that many of you are emboidering and doing appliqué.
We love to embroider and appliqué! It gives patchwork the additional touch. When the hand quilting is added, the look is wonderful:


Will you tell us, when and where the show will be? Please be patient, we will tell you in a few days the exact times and dates!

I heard, the patchwork expositions in Ferrette are one of the nicest shows in Europe!
Our team is looking forward to visit your exposition!


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